Past Events

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Opening Seminar of HITRIplus – The status and perspectives of CNAO

Sandro Rossi – General Director, CNAO
Ester Orlandi – Chief of Clinical Department,

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2nd Seminar of HITRIplus – INSPIRE project

Karen KirkbyCoordinator of the INSPIRE
project, University of Manchester

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3rd Seminar of HITRIplus – Ion Beam Therapy at HIT: Options for Multi-Ion Treatment and Research

Thomas Aberer – Scientific & Technical Director, Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center

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4th Seminar of HITRIplus – CIRT at Medaustron: the first 200 patients

Piero Fossati – Scientific Director of
Carbon Ions Program, MedAustron

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5th Seminar of HITRIplus – Marburg Ion Beam Therapy Center: Innovations in Physics and Radiobiology

Klemens Zink – Scientific & Technical Director, Marburg Ion Beam Therapy Center

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6th Seminar of HITRIplus – Human organoids: a new model system for
pre-clinical studies of toxicity and effectiveness of particle therapy

Insa Schröder – Group Leader Stem Cell Differentiation and Cytogenetics Group, GSI
Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research

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7th Seminar of HITRIplus – Health – value of particle therapy in 2022: clinical evidences and innovative opportunities

Felipe Calvo – Director of the Proton Therapy Unit, Clinica Universidad de Navarra

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8th Seminar of HITRIplus – The Past, Present, and Future of CIRT for Cervical Cancer: Implementation of “Immuno-CIRT” considering the radiation-induced anti-tumor immune response.

Noriyuki Okonogi – Department of Charged Particle Therapy Research at the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology / QST Hospital

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9th Seminar of HITRIplus – FLASH radiotherapy with Carbon ions: is it possible to combine high LET and FLASH benefits? Experimental and modeling studies.

Emanuele Scifoni – Experienced Senior Researcher at TIFPA
Walter Tinganelli – Clinical Radiobiology Group Leader, Biophysics Department GSI

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10th Seminar of HITRIplus – Helium Ion Beam Therapy

Semi Harrabi, Radiation Oncologist – University Hospital Heidelberg
Andrea Mairani Senior Physicist – HIT
Thomas Tessonnier – Medical Physicist and Researcher – HIT

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11th Seminar of HITRIplus – LIGHT: a linear accelerator for cancer therapy, AVO-ADAM.

Alberto Degiovanni – Deputy Technical Director and Group Leader for Accelerator Physics at AVO-A.D.A.M.
Anna Maria Kolano – PhD, Medical Physicist at AVO-A.D.A.M.
Stephen Myers – Executive Chair ADAM SA and Executive Director AVO PLC (LON)

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12th Seminar of HITRIplus – New trends and initiatives in accelerators for ion therapy of cancer

Maurizio Vretenar – Project Leader CERN

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13th Seminar of HITRIplus – The EU-RAPTOR project

Francesca Albertini – Scientific Coordinator, PSI

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Hadrontherapy: status and perspectives. Development of a hadrontherapy facility: learning from the existing and Scientific day on BNCT

Hybrid CME event realized by CNAO, IAEA, HITRIplus

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14th Seminar of HITRIplusAccelerating the future: designing a robust and affordable radiation therapy treatment system for challenging environments

Manjit Dosanjh – Project Leader, STELLA Project

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15th Seminar of HITRIplus – Building the First Carbon Therapy Center in North America: The Mayo Clinic Florida Experience

Laura Willow – Professor of Radiation Oncology and the Department Chair for the Department of Radiation Oncology at Mayo Clinic Florida

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16th Seminar of HITRIplus – Prospects of proton beam range monitoring and hypoxia assessment with modular J-PET scanner

Pawel Moskal – Professor of physics and head of Department of Particle Physics and Applications at Jagiellonian University – Cracow, Poland

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17th Seminar of HITRIplus – Integration of MRI and proton therapy: motivation, challenges and roadmap

Aswin Hoffmann – Head of Experimental MR-Proton Therapy at Oncoray Dresden

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Hadron Therapy Symposium: status and perspectives, plans for next generation facilities

Thessaloniki from October 18 to 21, 2024

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